GRK  2062 "Molecular Principles of Synthetic Biology"

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GRK2062 doctoral students and postdocs have the opportunity to apply for several types of funding in order to support their scientific career.

  • Gender Equality Funds

    To promote gender equality, to increase the number of female scientists in leading positions and to generate a family-friendly working place “University” several funding opportunities are available. more

  • Start Up Funds

    In order to encourage most promising junior researchers to remain within the research system funding opportunities are available. more

  • Travel Funds

    Funding for e.g. attendance of scientific meetings and workshops and/or for visits of collaboration partners. more

  • Publications Funds

    Costs for publications as well as for professional illustration design coud be covered. more

  • Funding for Guests

    Costs for travelling and accommodation of guest scientists can be covered. more
